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Visionary Leadership – Advice – Part 10

Writer's picture: Women StoryWomen Story

·         Lisa Tensmeyer Hansen - Embrace Age and Experience

·         Nicole Martin - Leading by Example and Empowering Others

·         Hima Nippuleti - Believe in Yourself

·         Ramya Sevaraj  - Focus on Vision and Mission

·         Laura Meredith - Resilience and Defining Success

·         Sibongile V. Mthimunye  - Vision and Motivation

·         Gina Schreck - Pursue Your Great Ideas

·         Harsha Nagi - Stick to Your Vision

·         Jessica Gulick - Perseverance and Vision

·         Jessica Viola - Embrace Systems Thinking


Embrace Age and Experience

Age is your friend. Don't be afraid of it. And don't be afraid to start a company at age 58 like I did. The more experience you have, the more comfortable you can be in your own skin, and the more comfortable you can make others in your presence. The people you work with don't need you to be the most beautiful, the most talented, the smartest person in the room. They need to know you believe in them, and that you believe they have something creative, insightful, and meaningful to contribute. Every year going forward can be better and better as you expand the reach of your leadership, mentoring others, and bringing out the best in the people you work with and the people you serve.

Lisa Tensmeyer Hansen, Founder, Flourish Therapy Inc


Leading by Example and Empowering Others

I try to lead by example and I also share for the benefit of all.  I have published two books that really speak to women, though men have let me know they enjoy them equally as well. The Power of Joy and Purpose is my personal story and I share my 7 Presence Principles as I get asked nearly every day, how do I do it all so joyfully? I don’t do it alone. I also co-authored a book with John Tinghitella last year. We named it, NO FEAR Negotiation for Women, a book where we set forth a process that women can add to their list of abilities and for the greater benefit of our country. Men are about results and Women are about effort. We need both in business.

Nicole Martin, Founder, HRBoost LLC


Believe in Yourself

For young women entrepreneurs: believe in yourself, pursue your passions, embrace failure as a learning tool, build a support network, keep learning, take calculated risks, seek feedback, prioritize self-care, stay resilient, and support other women to foster mutual success.

Hima Nippuleti, Founder, BoozDNA LLC


Focus on Vision and Mission

Be strong, focus on your vision and mission

Ramya Sevaraj, Founder, Sharas Venture LLP


Resilience and Defining Success

For young women entrepreneurs: stay resilient, challenge stereotypes, embrace your unique strengths, define success on your terms, and build a supportive network to navigate challenges and create a meaningful impact in the business world.

Laura Meredith, Founder, Ryedaura


Vision and Motivation

You need to believe in your vision, immerse yourself in your business and come up with unique and practical solutions for your industry. Lastly always remember why you started in the first place- this will keep you motivated all the time.

Sibongile V. Mthimunye, Founder, BWGL Group


Pursue Your Great Ideas

Don't put that great idea on the back burner! I did and waited until I was over 50 to pull it off and make it a reality. You can do hard things so don't underestimate yourself. It is also critical to surround yourself with people who make doing the impossible seem so ordinary! When you are around these people... your idea of what's possible expands!

Gina Schreck, Founder, The Village Workspace


Stick to Your Vision

Stick to your Vision, work very hard, Beleive in your product, Use right help at the right time

Harsha Nagi, Founder, IKHOJ-Talent Solutions


Perseverance and Vision

For newbies-> Focus on persevering and learning, not on perfection, success will come. For 5+ years -> Trust yourself. Design your company around your vision. Don't try to delegate too much so that your company loses you. Stay engaged on all levels at different amounts.

Jessica Gulick, Founder, Katzcy LLC


Embrace Systems Thinking

Learn to embrace systems thinking, cultivate relationships that support growth and maintain a practice that embodies leadership, balance and creativity so you can encourage a culture and ethos that reflects these shared values.

Jessica Viola, Founder, Viola Gardens Design Inc.


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