· Aditi Shinde - Start, Change, Support
· Jessica Chase - Start, Join, Seek Mentors
· Radhika Bajoria - Overcome Doubts, Get Started
· Emily Skinner - Take the Leap and Start
· Karen Harvey - Start Now and Don't Wait
· Trina Nicole - Embrace Imperfection and Learn
· Amber Trail - Overcome Fear and Persist
· Wendy Charland and Jamie Glassman - Act on Your Passion
· Melissa Charlton - Start Early and Get a Coach
· Michelle Miles - Take the First Step
Start, Change, Support
Turna New Leaf every time!I dentify the Changes. Get a Starting Point. Muster the Willingness. Find Some Support. Keep Going. Help Someone Else.
Aditi Shinde, Founder, Hybrid Inks Studio Pvt Ltd
Start, Join, Seek Mentors
I am passionate about mentoring young women to excel in the business and entrepreneurial world. I would say get that business license and go after it, join women's groups on Facebook, follow women you admire on TikTok, keep learning, but overall just get a business license and get started. If there are technical certifications you can get or mentors that can help you, seek them and listen to their advice.
Jessica Chase, Founder, getabovethefold.com
Overcome Doubts, Get Started
Don't fear, just get started. The journey is not easy but worth pursuing. Your abilities will be doubted at each step, but let your work do the talking. You are a lot more capable than you think you are. Spread your wings, and fly higher.
Radhika Bajoria, Founder, Radically Yours
Take the Leap and Start
Social media is a platform that is forever changing, and I just want to be able to help those who are trying to make their own dreams come true, but giving them a platform to reach their audience, and showcase what they have spent years working towards. My advice to other women wanting to start a business is to just go for it. Don't hold back because of what others say. I was told coming out of university I had to go and get a job in industry and I wouldn't be able to run a business with no experience. I have learnt more running my own business than from that course, so I am very glad I listened to my heart and took the risk.
Emily Skinner, Founder, Thirty Five The Studio
Start Now and Don't Wait
If you've got an idea, go for it. Don't wait thinking you need more money, more space, more resources - just get started.
Karen Harvey, Founder, Toiletries Amnesty
Embrace Imperfection and Learn
Take the leap and just start. Don't wait for everything to be perfect because it never will be. Embrace imperfection and learn as you go. The journey of entrepreneurship is about figuring things out along the way. Trust your instincts, be resilient, and don't be afraid to make mistakes.
Trina Nicole, Founder, The Curve Catwallk
Overcome Fear and Persist
Starting a business from the ground up can be scary, from a failure and financial perspective, but if you put a good plan in place, don't let the word "No" stop you, and keep working hard you'll succeed!
Amber Trail, Founder, The HR Trail
Act on Your Passion
There is never the perfect time to take a leap so don't wait, jump into it. If you have an idea that you are passionate about and can build a team of advocates, advisors and supporters around you, go for it.
Wendy Charland and Jamie Glassman, Founder, WYOS
Start Early and Get a Coach
Start before you feel ready. You'll never feel ready, and the world is filled with over-confident but under-qualified men who dominate their industry simply because they were never taught to wait until they were ready. Oh, and get a coach.
Melissa Charlton, Founder, MBodied Strength
Take the First Step
Do it, take the first step and don't look back. I started my career at an early age and have made mistakes along the way but they have all helped me to grow as a person and as a leader.
Michelle Miles, Founder, Sustainable Wedding Alliance