·        Amy Bock - Pursue Passion Relentlessly
·        Crystal Volpe - Believe in Your Power, Find Great Mentors
·        Meenakshi Dubey - Focus on What You Want
·        Julia cordray - Set Realistic, Gradual Goals
·        Jane Downes - Define Goals and Value Time
·        Sajni Srivastava - Focus on Your Dreams
·        Katie Kravit & Julie Steinhagen - Design Your Ideal Life
·        Colleen Tsikira - Hard Work and Dedication
·        Sarah Frye - Tenacity and Openness
·        Yogita Shah - Pursue Your Dreams
Pursue Passion Relentlessly
Find your passion and never give up on it - even when you don’t get a phone call back or a response to an email, keep going. Keep connecting. Keep learning.
Amy Bock, Founder, Resilience Counseling and Consultation
Believe in Your Power, Find Great Mentors
Believe in your power; never give up; every time you rise from a fall, you rise stronger; find people who love what you do and copy them; find great mentors and teams to work with
Crystal Volpe, Founder, C & V Income Tax Services
Focus on What You Want
Focus On What you want
Meenakshi Dubey, Founder, Yespoho India Private Limited
Set Realistic, Gradual Goals
Having realistic goals going from easy to achieve to ultimate goal
Julia Cordray, Founder, Askgem
Define Goals and Value Time
Know what you want and get to work, dogged determination and put a value on your time and service fees.
Jane Downes, Founder, Clearview Coaching Group
Focus on Your Dreams
Stay focused to pursue your dreams
Sajni Srivastava, Founder, Actor/Producer
Design Your Ideal Life
Say yes. Just do it. You owe it to yourself to design the life you imagined — both at work and at home. Yes, you can do it, you just have to define what success means for yourself and go after it.
Katie Kravit & Julie Steinhagen, Founder, Ugly Wolf
Hard Work and Dedication
You can achieve any goal with hard work and dedication.
Colleen Tsikira, Founder, Gateway Holistic Care Group
Tenacity and Openness
Go after what you want. Be tenacious. Don't settle. Ask your higher power for guidance on how to best use your talents to influence the lives of others. And then, be open to receiving the message. Whiteboard ideas and ask others for input. The universe will put things on your path, and it's up to to use good discernment and choose the option that feels right and comfortable to YOU! Have faith you are exactly where you meant to be right now and live in the moment. Don't wish your life away - enjoy each day and be present in all you do.
Sarah Frye, Founder, SF Consulting Services
Pursue Your Dreams
Take your chances and follow your dreams
Yogita Shah, Founder, Career Graph