Nozizwe Mhlanga in 2018 founded Nozizwe Mother of Nations Trust with a mission to
provide community services for the disabled elderly, orphaned, destitute, and
underprivileged. Trust helps such as food parcels, wheelchairs, blankets, medical
supplies, clothing, and psychosocial support to those in need, particularly the destitute.
Mhlanga is a qualified pharmacist and toxicologist; she is a mother of a child with
special needs. Her son Christian was born with bilateral talipes (double clubfoot). With
time, his condition deteriorated. Her experience while finding help and support for her
child, afforded her first close interaction with disabled children, single mothers, and
“I learned that he was not the only child with health-related issues. I saw children with
far worse disabilities than my son and that touched me.”
The inspiration behind Nozizwe Trust is unique. Mhlanga came from a family of helpers.
One day she helped a disabled homeless man and posted her experience on social
media, the community over the internet brought food and clothing to her to help the
man. He in turn brought along other homeless people and the numbers grew.
This one act of kindness turned one to be helping 1000 orphans in and around
Zimbabwe. In collaboration with Mustard Seed Communities Children's Home in
Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, the Trust runs a soup kitchen initiative, feeding 1200 vulnerable
children daily from Monday to Saturday.
Iris Mhlanga's advice to young women is to speak out, speak up, and support fellow
sisters. She believes in rising by lifting others.
“My key achievements have been finally attaining international exposure for what we do
in the back of beyond.”
Social Media: Facebook